Informacija apie DABALTA IR KO, UAB "Odoo" atvejis Atviro kodo ERP.
Įdiegtos programos
- Pardavimai
- Nuo komercinių pasiūlymų iki sąskaitų
- Apskaita
- Sąskaitos-faktūros ir mokėjimai
- Sekite šaltuosius kontaktus ir uždarykite galimybes
- Svetainė
- Verslo svetainės kūrimas
- Inventorius
- Valdykite savo atsargas ir logistinius veiksmus
- Apskaita
- Manage financial and analytic accounting
- Pirkimas
- Pirkimo užsakymai, pasiūlymai ir susitarimai
- Projektas
- Organizuokite ir planuokite savo projektus
- El. prekyba
- Parduokite savo produktus internetu
- Gamyba
- Gamybos užsakymai ir KS
- Documents
- Document management
- Time Off
- Allocate PTOs and follow leaves requests
- Darbuotojai
- Centralizuokite darbuotojo informaciją
- Data Recycle
- Find old records and archive/delete them
- Knowledge
- Centralize, manage, share and grow your knowledge library
- GPAIS Integration
- Odoo and GPAIS connector
- Maintenance
- Track equipment and manage maintenance requests
- Sign
- Send documents to sign online and handle filled copies
- Planning
- Manage your employees' schedule
- Diskusija
- Susirašinėjimas, paštas ir privatūs kanalai
- Kontaktai
- Centralizuokite savo adresų knygelę
- Kalendorius
- Planuokite darbuotojų susitikimus
- Fleet
- Manage your fleet and track car costs
- Live Chat
- Chat with your website visitors
- Apklausos
- Kurkite apklausas ir analizuokite atsakymus
- Taisymai
- Taisykite pažeistus produktus
- Barcode
- Use barcode scanners to process logistics operations
- To-Do
- Organize your work with memos and to-do lists
- Payroll
- Manage your employee payroll records
Installed Localizations / Account Charts
- GPAIS Integration
- Odoo and GPAIS connector
- Lithuanian Account Asset
- Lithuanian account asset additions
- Lithuanian Account Deferred
- Lithuanian account deferred additions
- Lithuanian Account Netting Act
- Report for Lithuanian Netting Account
- Advance Accountancy Report
- Lithuanian Advance Accountancy Report
- Lithuanian Aged Stock Valuation
- Lithuanian Aged Stock Valuation
- Lithuanian Cash Report
- Report for Cash Journals
- Debt Reconciliation Currency Report
- Debt reconciliation currency report for Lithuania
- Debt Reconciliation Report
- Debt Reconciliation (Partner Ledger) Report For Lithuania
- Lithuanian Equipment Transfer Act
- Lithuanian Equipment Transfer Act
- Lithuania - Extended Accounting
- Extension for Lithuanian Odoo localization
- FFDATA Report Base
- FFDATA declaration wizard template
- FR0564 Declaration
- FR0564 declaration
- FR0600 VAT Declaration
- FR0600 vat declaration
- Kuro nurašymo aktas
- Kuro nurašymo aktas
- GPM 312
- EDS GPM312 declaration
- GPM 313
- EDS GPM313 declaration
- Lithuanian CoA Groups
- Lithuanian Chart of Account Groups
- Accrued Vacation
- Accrued Vacation Accounting
- Lithuania - Time Off
- Lithuanian Time Off
- Lithuanian Payroll
- Lithuanian payroll integration
- Lithuanian Payroll and Planning Integration
- Upgrades for payroll and planning integration
- Lithuanian Payroll Reports
- Lithuanian payroll reports
- i.MAS
- Technical helper for i.MAS subsystems.
- i.MAS Enterprise
- i.MAS subsystem helper for Enterprise
- Lithuanian Intrastat
- INSTAT (Intrastat) for Lithuania
- Lithuanian Inventory Act
- Adds Lithuanian Inventory Act report
- Lithuanian Inventory Act Account Asset
- Adds Inventory Act Account Asset report
- Lithuanian Inventory Act Maintenance
- Adds Inventory Act Maintenance report
- Lithuanian Invoice Registry
- Lithuanian invoice registry report
- Invoice Tax Reference
- Invoice tax reference for Lithuania
- i.SAF
- Lithuanian i.SAF integration
- i.VAZ
- Lithuanian i.VAZ integration
- Lithuanian KIO KPO
- Lithuanian KIO KPO
- Lithuanian KIO KPO receipt
- Lithuanian KIO KPO receipt
- Lithuanian Financial Period Closing
- Lithuanian Financial Period Closing
- Planning - Extended Shift Planning
- Work Schedule Planning
- Pinigų Priėmimo Kvitas (PPK)
- Lithuania - Accounting Reports FIX
- Fixes for Lithuanian Balance Sheet
- Lithuanian SAF-T (Via laurea)
- Lithuanian Standard Audit File for Tax
- Sodra 12-SD
- Sodra 12-SD declaration
- Sodra 1-SD
- Sodra 1-SD declaration
- Sodra 2-SD
- Sodra 2-SD declaration
- Sodra 9-SD
- Sodra 9-SD declaration
- Sodra NP-SD2
- Sodra NP-SD2 declaration
- Sodra PT Base
- Sodra PT base form
- Sodra SAM
- Sodra SAM declaration
- Lithuania Tax Code
- Tax Code